
the lore ✩°。 ⋆⸜ 🎧✮

There was a kingdom....

In the kingdom's heart, a magnificent realm stood proud, ruled by a King whose reign was cherished by all. His courtiers sang his praises in hushed tones, and his knights would willingly lay down their lives to shield him from harm. The townspeople, too, held him in the highest regard, devotedly serving and vigilant in reporting any threat to the kingdom. This affection forged an unbreakable bond, binding rulers and subjects in a tapestry of mutual adoration.

Yet, on one fateful day, whispers began to circulate about an enigmatic figure, a person shrouded in mystery. Their eyes perpetually veiled by closed lids, they clasped a bouquet of vivid roses, an anomaly in the bustling kingdom. With each passing day, they brought new reports, their numbers multiplying, casting an anxious shadow upon the benevolent king. Determined to unravel this enigma, he dispatched posters and missives, every effort made to coax this unknown visitor forth, hoping that perhaps they harbored no ill intent and simply shared an affinity for the town.

One fortuitous day, the enigmatic figure chanced upon the posted entreaties. Calmly, they took one down and made their way through the regal halls to meet the King.

"I've seen your gestures of concern," they began, "but there is no need to fret. I conduct routine safety checks."

"Safety checks? But what if..."

"There's a pervasive sense of foreboding as if an imminent calamity lurks. The problem is, I cannot discern its nature."

"You emerged from the shadows, an unclaimed soul, yet already you wish to safeguard us?"

"It is the truth."

"May providence watch over you."

"Thank you. I shall depart now, but remain vigilant to evacuate your people should I return."

As they turned to leave, the King's voice resounded once more.

"What is your name?"

"When I first awoke, I was designated 'The First' of something. It seems fitting in the absence of a name truly my own."

"...I understand."

'The First' departed, venturing forth to unearth the wellspring of malevolence. Soon, aimless wandering transformed into a resolute mission, as they shielded the kingdom with swiftness unmatched by the swiftest knights. Their movements were a dance of grace, their power a radiant beacon. It was no wonder they came to be known as 'Hope'.

Beyond the borders of the kingdom,

a disturbance unfurls.

Without a moment's hesitation, Hope springs into action, eyes honing in on a rift in the fabric of reality before them. A hand extends through the tear, grasped firmly by Hope's determined grip.

As the hand emerges, it reveals another person, their presence pulsating with power equal to, if not greater than, Hope's.

A weighty silence blankets the space, neither inclined to break the quietude. Hope, wary of the stranger's unsettling energy, observes intently. Conversely, the other,

gauging Hope's essence.

Though it felt like hours, in reality, mere minutes passed before one of them broke the stillness.

"Who are you?"

"Why do you bear the same aura as me?"

"What lends you such formidable strength?"

"Do you not express emotion? You seem distant."

"Distant? An intriguing choice. Another title, I presume."


"I'll elucidate later. For now, how did you arrive here?"

"I can't say."

"Do you possess a name?"

"Not truly, but the phrase 'The Second Coming' echoed insistently in my mind until you took my hand!"

"Perhaps the populace will grant you a name as well. What do you think of Amicus?"

"Amicus... It has a pleasant ring. I accept it!"

With a nod of affirmation, Hope ushers Amicus into the kingdom's embrace, embarking on a guided tour. A newfound camaraderie blossoms, dispelling the earlier unease.

All that remains is to confide in the king and delve into the library's troves for answers about these enigmatic rifts. Their recurrence warrants concern, especially given that two individuals have emerged through them. First, Hope, and now, Amicus. Could they originate from a hidden cave or a crystalline source? The mysteries deepen.

"Hope's apparent--

--'fatal flaw' is their insatiable curiosity," declares Amicus, an amused twinkle in their eye. "They simply can't resist a mystery."

One moonlit night, Hope slips away, casting a spell that whisks them deep underground, gifting them with the power of X-ray vision.

Descending further into the earth, they come upon a strange, radiant diamond shape, drawn towards it like a moth to a flame. Its energy mirrors Amicus's and their own, causing Hope's eyes to shimmer with even greater intensity.

The entity appears alive, pirouetting gracefully and promptly striking up a conversation. With a flourish, it introduces itself as Rift, extending an open invitation to satisfy any of Hope's questions.

At least, before Rift fully comprehends their identity.

"The First."

"It's Hope, not 'The First'."

"My apologies. I'm uncertain about the circumstances that led you and your companion to materialize seemingly out of thin air, but you are undoubtedly unique. You possess a magnificent power, unlike any known to those here."

Hope listens intently as Rift continues, "Use it for good. With this power, protect, defend, or create. The choice is yours, Hope."

Hope nods, going out the way they came, to ponder this new encounter.

more TBA...